Saturday 8 February 2014

The Pilot

When we had finally finished with coming up with the idea for our film we decided to look for locations and get a rough idea of what sort of atmosphere we wanted to create. We also experimented with different shots as well as different perspectives that we could tell the story from.
This container would be a great lab for the Gang

One of the many shots that we experimented with.
Whilst looking for locations and shooting the pilot we came two containers which we felt would be perfect for the mise-en-scene that we wanted to create, therefore we decided to use these in our film. This was a lot better than the Film Studio we had originally planed to film in. The containers had a claustrophobic feeling which would have been harder to create in the studio.
We also experimented with various different shots, this was very important for us to understand exactly what sort of atmosphere each shot can create and therefore which ones we wanted to use.

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