Thursday, 27 March 2014

Evaluation Task 3 - Who would Distrbute my Thriller?

The ideal distributer would be one of the big six in America, this is however extremely unlikely because these companies are only interested in high concept films.

Our Production is extremely low budget and niche therefore it is highly unlikely that we will be able to get our film distributed by one of the big six.
The most realistic and affordable route for me to take would be to self distribute and market. I would do this mainly through social media, for example Facebook and Twitter.
The first step I would take would be to create a Facebook page and do some advertising through that.
Secondly I would spread the word and rely on word of mouth to raise awareness, this is a very effective form of marketing because it is cheap as well as quick, because if 10 people watch the film and they enjoy it and tell 10 of their friends then already a 100 people have seen the film without me having to spend any money.
I would also look into possibly making a trailer of the film and put it on YouTube as an advertisement, this however depends on the amount of money that I have available to me at that point.

In the case that my film is picked up by a small UK distribution company like Vertigo who have made their fair share of thrillers, for example 'The Sweeney' which is an action thriller about the police vs. the criminals.
Vertigo would be an ideal distributer because they are very familiar with the genre of our film and what has to be done in order to make the film a success, such as marketing strategies.

'The Sweeney' is very similar to our film because the story is about good vs. evil and that only one can succeed. 
There wasn't a massive marketing campaign because Vertigo prides itself on making low budget films that are commercially driven, there was a fair amount of in the UK because the film was expected to make its main profits in UK. The film did show internationally but only in a moderate amount of cinemas.

The only problem there is with UK distribution is that most companies do not have the capacity to distribute or make the films by themselves. On top of that if the companies want to get their film into the European market then they have to sell the rights to another company based in Europe, this also applies to the USA.
Therefore if my film was to be distributed in America I would need to sell the rights to a company like magnolia pictures, who would probably release it straight to DVD or perhaps on XBOX Live as our primary audience would probably be males aged 18-30 who are also gamers and who would therefore download the film for a small charge maybe $3.99.

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