Genre's are category's used to sort artistic compositions by similarities of style, subject form.
All films within a genre share similarities, for example romantic comedies have become an incredibly popular genre in recent years.
Romantic Comedies all share some key features such as:
- They each contain two strong leading characters. These characters will either be friends and have a falling out of some sort, or be strangers who instantly dislike each other upon meeting.
- Through some hilarious exploits or shared disgraces, they will grow together and come to love one another by the end of the film.
- These movies contain strong romantic elements, with a healthy amount of comedic relief thrown into the mix.
The posters show above are all from rom-coms. They all share similarities, each poster shows the two main characters in the centre standing or sitting next to each other.
The thriller genre is different from most other genres because on the surface they look entirely different from each other.
A Nightmare on Elm Street is a thriller and is completely different to The Bourne Series which are more action orientated rather than horror.
A Nightmare on Elm Street is set in a suburban area and pretty isolated from all sorts of law enforcement, whereas the Bourne series are all set in major cities close to law enforcement.
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